While photographing Dr. Gerard Martins at Hill Hall on the Colorado School of Mines Campus, I couldn’t help hearing his students, colleagues and fans shouting, “Hi Gerry!” every time they passed. And every time he heard them, Dr. Martins called, “Hi,” back to them. It seemed odd, then, with that friendly banter, that when he was young, British Guiana-born Dr. Martins had no plans to become a teacher. After obtaining his BS in mechanical engineering from the University of London and his PhD in chemical engineering at the University of New York at Buffalo, however, Dr. Martins accepted a position as a teaching assistant. “I found I liked the interaction with students. Things were always being invented, and I had to keep abreast of them. I had to figure out how to convey and teach those ideas.” Judging from the reaction of those passing him outside Hill Hall, Dr. Martins succeeded.

Dr. Martins joined the Colorado School of Mines in 1969 and has been teaching in the Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Dept. since then. Today, he is associated with the Kroll Center, attending weekly group meetings and social functions.